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Advanced/Recurrent Forum

Some diagnoses may call for a combination of treatments. There might be a large amount of cancer in the prostate; your cancer may have spread outside the prostate; it may be resistant to some forms of treatment; or it may recur. Although hugely encouraging advances in the treatment of all forms of prostate cancer continue to be made, understanding your options and coping with increased anxiety and confusion becomes even more challenging.  These are the topics we deal with, in a personal and supportive way, in the monthly Advanced and Recurrent Forum 

A support group for advanced and recurrent prostate cancer
meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5pm Pacific Time

Zoom Link:

Come talk with us about your anxieties and your diagnosis

Although the conversation deals mainly with advanced treatments and concerns, many people at all stages of the disease find it instructive and reassuring to hear about the impressive advances in management and treatment being made all the time.

How It Works

The overall goal of the support groups is to provide one another with practical guidance and information about prostate cancer in addition to emotional, psychological, and social support . 
You talk. We listen. We share. We Learn.

When the moderator calls on you, take a few minutes to tell us (or remind us) about yourself and your diagnosis.​

  • Start with your name, your age. and where you're located. 

  • Then take a few minutes to talk about your diagnosis: what you know so far, what you’ve done to date, and, if you like, how you’re feeling and getting along at this point.

  • Ask any specific questions you have - although we don't give medical advice, we can share experiences and insights, both medical and psychological.

Some Core Terminology for Advanced/Recurring Discussions

The list below briefly explains some of the main terms you'll hear at the Advanced Forum  When you are ready to go deeper, you'll find more comprehensive definitions on the Terms to Know page, links to a wealth of helpful information on the Resources page, and expert up-to-date presentations on many of these topics in our Presentations Library.

What It Does
Possible Side Effects
Surgery (Radical Prostatectomy)

Removes the cancerous tissue and the prostate.

Urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction (ED), and   infertility.


Targets cancer cells that grow quickly including cancer cells metastasized to the bone.

Hair loss, fragile bones and nervous system disorders like confusion, depression, headaches, and nausea.


Slows prostate cancer cell growth by targeting cells   externally or by injection.

ED,   incontinence, diarrhea, rectal bleeding and discomfort during urination and   bowel movement.

Bone-related Treatment

Inhibits bone loss and fractures and relieves pain from prostate cancer in the bone.

Tiredness, diarrhea, nausea, and   weakness


Treatment by stimulation of the body’s immune system.


Hormone Therapy (HT)

Hormone Therapy (also called Androgen Deprivation Therapy), is the use of medication or surgery (removal of testicles) to prevent cancer cells from getting the hormones needed to grow. In prostate cancer this means the hormone testosterone.

ED, hot flashes and bone loss

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